Thursday, September 20, 2007

Caleb Earl Allgaier

September 12, 2007. 8:40 a.m.

8 lb, 12 oz. 20 in long. Big ol' noggin.

Caleb = Faithful, bold. "Give me this mountain"

Earl = Nobleman, leader. First name of his great grandfather.

Allgaier = Still trying to figure this one out.

Click on any picture for a larger look.

We were three feet away from her, and she still got away with it (yes, it's paint). It took 20 months to get to this point for a girl - how soon for a boy? ;-)


Write on! said...

He's beautiful! He's huge! He doesn't even look like a newborn. Congratulations--we're so glad everything went well.

Love,Doug and April

Danti said...

He is cute!I am excited for your family.I am glad you guys are doing
well.Have a fun excited week


Kimberly said...

Oh you guys your children are beautiful. Sarah is getting to be SO pretty! Both your girls are going to be gorgeous. I am so happy for you and I miss you ALL.
All my love,
Kimberly Hermansen

tiggermama said...

Wow! Your children are so beautiful! Isn't life such a miracle. Caleb looks so healthy and strong. Thank you for sharing your blog with us. It was so awesome to see you and your family when you were here. We love you so much, and are so excited for the adventures yet to come. Your Awesome! S.M.I.L.E. =)

Love Always,
Corey, Amber, Kirsten & Whitney

Gordy said...

A beautiful blessed family! A strapping man child. Good Show!

You all look so happy. I am sure the girls are a big help.

Sara, next time use purple paint, it will look better on you.

My blessings on you all.

Love, Grandpa Cummings

Heather said...

Congrats! It's such a shock that you've had three and I only ever knew about your first pregnancy!! I am so happy for you and your darling family. Hope all contiues to go well!

Unknown said...

What an exciting time! He is so handsome! Hope you guys are soaking up every minute and finding some rest when you can. The girls are getting so big! Ella was excited that Sara can be a big sister now, also!

Dirk, Jennifer, Ella and Owen

E-ca said...

LIZ!!! I saw a link to your page on Shay's blog, whose link I found on Marly's blog... isn't blogging fun?!?!? lol... Congrats on the new addition to your family! He is adorable! How are you?!?! I hear you are in Chicago these days!